Saturday, 21 March 2015

[Translation] Oz to Himitsu no Ai Vol.4 Shian Disk 2

Omfg I did say that I would finish this second disk ASAP, but never thought I would finish it THIS fast, like srsly an hour disk IN ONE DAY! I don't know if I should be proud or not since I should get a life instead of sitting in front of the computer all day orz.

Yes so anyway, as always, feel free to share but please do credit me. Also my works aren't 100% correct, if there are any mistakes please do tell me.
Enjoy! ^^

Oz to Himitsu no Ai Vol.4 Shian Disk 2
Seiyuu: Takahashi Naozumi

That day… I didn’t go to work and just spent the day sitting on a bank. These… When should I return them?.. I stared at the keys that I took out from my pocket. The keys that I took away from you before. I said I threw them away in a sewer but in fact I kept them without you knowing.
Kurosuke, you said you liked these keys, right? You really do like shiny stuff. I’m wrong? Then why do you want them? You like these more than the apple hair pin, right? It’s special? They only look like junk in my eyes.

I held the three keys high up in the sky and mindlessly thought what would happen if I returned these keys to you. You said that you wanted to go forward in order to keep a precious promise. Then I can’t give these keys back to you. Because… when I do, you will disappear so that you can keep that promise you made with someone I don’t even know. You would leave my side as soon as possible. I don’t want that, ever.  Yeah, I should head home now. She’d be waiting.

I’m home. You look tired. Um, are you okay? Are you listening? Answer me. You seem out of strength. But, then again, I guess it’s a given since you were tied up to a chain the whole day. Ah, right, I brought a present.

Here, strawberries. Looks delicious right? I bought them at the village on the way home. Well, the villagers were glaring at me, but it’s okay since they didn’t throw eggs. Again… You’re worrying about me. You really are weird. Even in this state, you care about me. How did you grow up to turn out as such a good person? Ah, you can’t remember. You’re a human and a woman and you don’t even have any memories. I’d hate that life. I’d be so depressed I’d crawl into a grave myself. Have you not thought of that? Of course, you have a precious promise, right? So you don’t have the time to be depressed. Um, hey, you know, the keys that you’re looking for. The ones that I threw away before. So um, no it’s nothing, really. I said it’s nothing!

Let’s eat strawberries. The merchant said the strawberries were picked just this morning so it should be delicious. You won’t be able to eat since your hands are tied up. Then I’ll feed you. Really, what are you doing, open your mouth already. If you don’t, I’m gonna do this.

How was it? Yummy? I like those hazy eyes. I want to eat more. Not the strawberries, your lips. Your lips are sweet. It tastes like strawberries. It’s delicious since it’s soft. I can’t. I can’t stop anymore. Hey, let’s do it like this. Since you can’t move I’ll be careful.

I’m joking you don’t have to resist that much. Really, cheer up. Do you want to eat another strawberry? You don’t need it? Why? You have no appetite? I guess, since you’re tied up in chains and stuck in this place, you’d be depressed. Hey, if it’s okay with you, do you want to go out tomorrow? If you walk a bit, there’s a really pretty lake. Let’s go take a walk to change your mood. Then shall we sleep now? Hey, can you sleep while being tied up? Then can we at least hold hands? I’m afraid that you might just disappear. So, please?

No matter how much I come here, it’s nice. The water’s pretty and the air is fresh. It’s so different to the creepy grave yard. I sometimes visit here on my way home. When it’s evening, the lake is beautiful because of the sunset’s reflection. I want to show it to you too. Really? Then let’s stay here till the evening. Even though there’s a lot of time left, I bet it will pass quickly if I talk with you. It’s quite muddy here so be careful not to… Are you okay? As soon as I say be careful, you trip straight away. So clumsy…. But then again, since you’re hands are chained up it must be hard to walk. Hey, should I… take the chains off? But before that, tell me one thing. What are you going to do if I find the keys? You said you had a precious promise, so you wanted to go through the door. If you get the keys back, are you really going to leave?

Hey… Why won’t you say something? Say something, if you don’t I won’t know. Huh? So you’re going to leave. If you obtain the keys, you’ll leave me, right? I’m wrong? Keeping your mouth shut means you’re leaving, right? I went to get the keys I threw away before without you knowing. I went to get the keys I threw away before without you knowing. You said you’d stay by my side, so I thought I could give them back. But, stuff it!

Did you see that? The keys are gone. They’re at the bottom of the lake. It’s your fault for only thinking about going forward. But with this, you can’t go anymore. Forever and ever, you’ll stay with me. Hey are you listening? You’ve been spacing out for a while. Even if you stare at the lake, they keys won’t return. Why don’t you just give up?

Wait, where are you going? Don’t tell me… Hey, stop! Don’t do it! Really, I said stop! Can’t you hear me?! Why are you crying? Is it that sad that you lost the keys? Fine. I’ll go. Are you going to go in the lake while you’re tied up like that? That’s impossible. Besides, you’re clumsy so you’ll definitely drown. I… don’t want to bury your corpse. I’ll go so you wait here.
Now one more left.
Found it! Here, I found them, all three of them. My face? Since I’ve been diving a lot, probably my body temperature went down a bit. It’s okay. I can go by myself. So, you go your own way. Before you go, I should remove the chains. There, you’re now free. With those keys, go and fulfil your promise. Ah, so cold~ What? Are you trying to warm my body? You’re really….

I’m fine. Um, I’m sorry to bother you. Clothes? I see. Since they’re drenched, I should take them off. What’s wrong? Why are you touching my forehead? A fever? I see, that’s why I felt dizzy. Then I want to go to bed.

Where are you going? To heat the water? Wait. Never mind, you don’t need to heat the water. More importantly, I have a request. Stay here. Don’t leave my side. Hey, hold my hand. If I hold hands with you, I think I’ll be able to sleep. Also, I’ll be able to forget about my tiredness, so…. Thank you. It’s warm. Your hand. It feels like my frozen hands are melting. I feel… extremely warm. I feel at ease, I think I won’t have that dream today. I told you before, right? The one where I stole an egg. Always, after that dream, I felt pain in my chest. If I didn’t steal that egg then it wouldn’t have turned out like that. Something scary like that wouldn’t have happened and my brother wouldn’t have been crying. Everything… it’s all my fault. If I think that everything was my fault then I would feel so pained that my heart would just collapse.

I, kinda like you, can’t remember some stuff. When I try to remember what happened in the past, my head gets hazy like there’s a thick mist within it. But, there’s one thing that always remains in my heart that I did something wrong. A feeling that I did something horrible and I don’t know why. Always, no matter what I do, I have that feeling like it’s chasing me. It feels like all the people in this world are faulting me. Again and again, I would dream that scary dream. And every time I’d feel like I can’t forgive myself; so much that I shouldn’t even be allowed to live. So, that’s why someone like me shouldn’t be treated so nicely. I can be insulted or dishonoured but just not treated kindly. I’m not supposed to be treated like this. I have no right to be…

You… are you even listening? I said I have no right to be treated so nicely. No matter how well you treat me or stay by my side, I can never believe it! I just can’t believe it! But if you treat me like that… hug me like that…. I want to believe in you! You… really are strange. How can you be so nice to someone like me? Someone who’s so negative and only faults others, I’m so lame, you know.

You know, if I don’t blame others, then I can’t resist it. I feel so guilty and my chest becomes so painful that I can’t even breathe. That’s why I end up blaming others. When I blame others, then I don’t need to feel guilty. So lame, right? I’m so selfish. You’re not supposed to be so kind to someone like this. You’re the first one to say something like that. That I was actually blaming myself when blaming others. I didn’t realise that.

Why is it so painful? I don’t want to think of it anymore. I want to disappear. I’d rather wish that I was actually a scarecrow so my mind would just be blank. Then, I wouldn’t be hurting so much. What… did you just say?..., I shouldn’t blame myself? Weird, I feel like I’ve heard that before somewhere. I think I also felt this warm, when I heard it before. I, I don’t need to be in such pain anymore? I don’t need to feel so guilty? Thank you…

It’s morning. I didn’t even realise I fell asleep. My temperature went down. She’s gone…. Of course, there’s no reason for her to be here since she got the keys. Her taking care of me yesterday, must have been an illusion then.,…

Good morning… What, breakfast? Wait, wait a second. Why are you even here? Didn’t you leave with the keys? You didn’t have to worry about that. My fever’s gonna get better eventually, and anyway it’s not your business. Sorry, right now that was a lie. Um, actually, I’m happy that you’re here. Thank you.

What’s for breakfast? Porridge? No~ Porridge isn’t yummy… Get me something else. I’m not sick, I have no fever now and I’m fine. Why~ Can’t you let me be a little selfish?! Who’s fault is it anyway that I got a fever in the first place? It’s because I had to get your keys, it’s all your fault so take responsibility… Sorry, my bad habit again. I actually know that it’s my fault. I end up blaming others….

You…. Really are nice to actually stay quietly by my side. I guess, it’s because you’re that kind of person, I think that I can show you my everything. Even the deepest parts of my heart, if it’s you, I can show all of it. You don’t reject me, you accept everything, I can believe that now. I’m sorry for suddenly doing this. But, please listen to me. It’s something important. Since I lied before, I don’t know whether you’ll believe me even if I say this; but, this time it’s real.  I want to convey my true, honest feelings to you.

I like you. So much that I can’t resist. I like you. You might not have the same feelings as I do but I still… I still like you. Really? You too..? You like me? You’re not just saying that since you’re worried about me? Since you’re kind… You really do… No…. A bit more… I still… I find it hard to believe. Hey, what do you like about me? There’s a lot of meaning behind the word “like”, so tell me. What do you like about me? Tell me.

What do you mean you can’t say? Why? Then you don’t really…. Then tell me. What do you like about me? I want to know your feelings. I want to know how much you’re thinking about me. If it was possible, I’d open your heart and look into it. I’m worried…. That it might just be me who likes you. I like everything about you. Your face, voice, clumsiness, and even kindness, everything. Huh, and you? What parts about me? Tell me. Tell me with those lips. Really, really everything? Even though I do horrible and cunning stuff, you still like me? You like me despite that?

I like you… I like you. I really like you a lot. Hey open your mouth. I want you more. I want to connect with you more so…
I feel dizy. Fever? No, I mean that I get hazy because it feels really good when kissing you. Hey, now this way. Why do you make such cute sounds? If you make such sounds I can’t stop.

Hey, can I kiss here as well? I can’t resist not making any marks on you white skin but I want to touch you more. I never felt like this before. I’ve never desired someone this intensely before. It might be because there aren’t any women in this world, but I think that’s not the reason because I thought that it was unforgiveable to like someone this much because of all the sins I’ve committed.  That’s why I don’t know what to say, “I like you” is the only word I can think of. Since I can’t convey my feelings through words, I want to show it through actions that much. Can’t I?

That face, it’s really unfair. If you’re that red, then I’ll only like you more.
Here too. Here as well…
Can I do it here too? But, this place here, it got so hot. That means you want me, right? Or am I misunderstanding it? If it’s not my misunderstanding, it’s okay, right?
Amazing, it’s like its melting.

Hey, stay still. Don’t move. That won’t do. You have to relax.
You’re so warm. This hand is, but this place is warmer. This might be sudden, but this is kind of embarrassing. It feels like I’m doing something bad, to do something like this so early in the morning. But, it’s weird because I don’t want to blame myself unlike usual. Maybe, it’s because you have that face on, a really happy looking face on.
No, not yet. More, I want to connect at a deeper place.
Do you like it here, then I’ll do it a lot so you don’t forget.
You’re entwined with me. You’re whole body wants me. I can tell so badly. Hey, I like you… So much that words aren’t enough. I’ll like you forever and ever. I like you a lot so is it okay to be like this for now on?

Good morning, ah, although it’s already noon. Don’t. I won’t let you go. But, I still feel like I’m lacking something and I want to stay with you like this more. Your hair is so soft, it’s like really pretty silver strings. I wonder how much it will cost if I sell it? I’m joking. There’s no way I’d do that. I’ll never do something like selling you again. No matter how much they beg, I’ll never hand you over. Because you’re mine, and only mine.

But, it’s true that I’m in need for money. With what I’m earning right now, it’s not even enough for my brother’s living expenses. Should I just change jobs? I guess, I can’t even think of anything else. Since I’ve only been a grave keeper, even if I try another job, I won’t be able to find one easily. By the way, since when did I started working as a grave’s keeper? I don’t seem to remember, it’s kinda weird. Like I said yesterday, I can’t seem to remember the past well like you. I feel like something’s trying to stop me from remembering the past. But that’s not the only thing that’s weird. You know, I have a brother, so I thought he would know something if I asked him. But, even he says that he can’t remember the past. So I asked my childhood friends, Haru-kun, Chika-kun, and Kei-kun, but all the three of them said the same thing. I wanted to ask Airu-san, but he’s always in this castle and doesn’t come out. Well, next time I see him, then I’ll ask. Hey do you really can’t remember anything? Even though my memory is a bit hazy, I at least remember my family, friends and this world clearly. What about you? Not the least bit?

I see… I’ve been wondering for a while, but I wonder where you came from. I thought you came from the human’s village, but it’s seems like you didn’t. Then, most likely, you’re from the outside world? I heard there’s another world outside of the Oz world. No one’s been to that place so I don’t know what kind of place it is though. Apparently, humans used to live in the outside world. And then suddenly they just settled here in this Oz world. So, maybe you’re also from the outside world? That important promise of yours might have been made with someone from the outside world. Yeah.. Since you have no memory you still wouldn’t know even if you listen to this.

Hey… how many more keys are left that you have to find? Three more… that must be tough. Are you thinking of looking for the keys by yourself? This world isn’t that easy for a girl with no memories to live by herself. So um… do you want to live with me? Of course I’ll help you find the keys. I won’t stop you from going forward anymore. But till you find the keys, can you stay here? I’m poor and it might not be a comfortable life and also the villagers hate me, and since I’m a grave’s keeper I might get insulted but… But I’ll protect you no matter what. I won’t let you get hurt.

I guess, it’s not really convincible since I said it. Really? So you’ll stay with me from now on? I suddenly… feel anxious. That’s cause… I’ve never been this happy before. I just can’t seem to calm down. I have this feeling that this happiness will disappear tomorrow. You think so? If you say so, then I’ll think like that. Where are you going? To wash your face?

Wait! No! Don’t go! Please, stay here!  You did promise… but still…. Trust you?.... Okay. I’ll trust you. You won’t throw me away. You won’t leave me and go somewhere else. I can now believe that your kindness is real. I should be the one thanking you. Thank you. Thanks to you, I feel like I can move on now. I truly, thank you.

Ah, hey, wait! I have something to say… No it’s not like I have to say it right now, but, I just want to say it one way or another. I was constantly thinking…. Of a word that has a stronger meaning than ‘like’. I… really… love you. Forever, and ever I’ll love….

Due to the scene that just occurred in front of your eyes, you could not move at all. He was surrounded by this glowing light and then he was becoming transparent little by little as if small grains of sand was falling from the palm of your hand. You unconsciously reach out to him however your hand could not touch him. He slightly smiled at you and disappeared with the light. Afterwards a single key dropped from where his heart was originally positioned. Yes, it was the key of the mysterious door you have been looking for. You helplessly kneeled down on the floor in front of the key. You promised to not go anywhere, but you never imagined him to disappear. Agony hit you in the heart like a wave. You couldn’t even wipe the tears flowing from your eyes and you could only… cry. At that moment….

“Don’t cry. I’ll go forward too, so face forward”
You could hear his voice from somewhere and suddenly raised your head. He was nowhere to be seen, but that was certainly his voice. With big drops of tears flowing from your eyes, you reached out your hand to the key he left. In order to go beyond the door….

Always, I was always in darkness. I do not know why, but when I regained consciousness I was in the darkness where I could not see anything. To me, that place was like a prison. Because I did something bad, because I committed a crime; that’s why I was trapped there. I wanted to escape that place, but I felt like I shouldn’t.  I should not go to the bright place, I should not be happy. Because… I have no right to be. After thinking like that, I ended up not trusting anything at all, even a person’s kindness or warmth. Every single time when someone would be nice, I doubted them and rejected it. Because I have no right. Because I should be insulted and hurt. However, slowly I couldn’t endure that feeling anymore. My chest would feel tight so I could not breathe anymore.

So I think that is why I started to blame others instead of blaming myself. If something didn’t turn out well, I would fault others by saying I did nothing wrong, that guy’s the bad one. I tried to lie in my head and escape from the guiltiness. Because when blaming others, I didn’t need to carry the responsibility. However, that did not save me. As I would blame others, slowly I would feel guiltier. Although others hated me, the one who hated me the most was…. myself. While I was blaming other, in fact I was blaming myself. Because it was painful and suffering, I wanted to even disappear. It would have been better if I was brainless like a scarecrow so I couldn’t think anymore. That is what I thought every time I had that dream. However I cannot be a scarecrow. I cannot live on mindlessly. As a result, I could not escape from this pain. I lived every day in despair.

That is when I met you. At first I couldn’t believe your kindness. I doubted, and doubted but you still didn’t leave me alone. You even gave up on finding what’s important to you to stay by my side. I did something horrible, yet you still gave me a hug with a caring heart. If you treat me like that, I could only trust you, right? I won’t be able to not like you. Thank you. I’m glad that I met you. Also I’m sorry that I couldn’t trust you, again and again. I inflicted pain on you so many times. I’m really sorry. If you could still forgive me despite that, I wish to stay by your side forever. I want to look over you close by. I want to love you… May I?... If you say that I can, then I’ll be extremely happy. More than anything, I’ll be really, really delighted. That key… If you keep that key, then we can forever be together. But in exchange, you will forget everything about me.


I hope you will become happy. I hope that your wish comes true. So with that key, I want to you move on forward. With that kind hand of yours that held my hand before, I want you to open the door of truth and keep that precious promise. Now don’t cry, I like it when you smile. Although your crying face is pretty, your smiling face is much better. So please, smile.  Show that smile of yours. Yes, that will do. It’s okay, everything will definitely be alright. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Believe because wherever you’re heading, there will be hope. 



